Alternatively, our outdoor stock pot can be used for keeping cold content cold longer. This cookware is great for homebrewing, catering, crawfish boiling, street vendors, and even beverage dispensing.
A full cast stainless steel ball valve is included for easy draining and/or pour of contents. Our spigot is fully removable for easy cleaning and upkeep.
Our available sizes: 20 Quart, 40 Quart, 60 Quart and 80 Quart
- Constructed with 100% stainless steel and thermal insulation covering 80% of the top and flame resistant insulation covering the bottom 20% of the pot.
- The insulated stock pot is the sole pot available that can withstand direct contact with flames on the market.
Concord's S Series Insulated stainless steel stock pot will keep your cooked contents hot longer than standard kettles.
Sleek Stainless Steel Outdoor Stock Pot: 40 Quart Double Wall Insulation for Great Temperature Retention
Alternatively, our outdoor stock pot can be used for keeping cold content cold longer. This cookware is great for homebrewing, catering, crawfish boiling, street vendors, and even beverage dispensing.
A full cast stainless steel ball valve is included for easy draining and/or pour of contents. Our spigot is fully removable for easy cleaning and upkeep.
Our available sizes: 20 Quart, 40 Quart, 60 Quart and 80 Quart
- Constructed with 100% stainless steel and thermal insulation covering 80% of the top and flame resistant insulation covering the bottom 20% of the pot.
- The insulated stock pot is the sole pot available that can withstand direct contact with flames on the market.
Concord's S Series Insulated stainless steel stock pot will keep your cooked contents hot longer than standard kettles.